Ninja provides optional integration with Metrics for measuring the responsiveness of your application.
in your conf.Module
class.@Singleton public class Module extends AbstractModule { @Override protected void configure() { install(new MetricsModule()); } }
class. (optional)package conf; import ninja.metrics.InstrumentedNinja; public class Ninja extends InstrumentedNinja { }
Now you are ready to start annotating your controllers or any other methods.
You have several choices in the collection of metrics:
, @Metered
, or @Timed
on some of your controller methods.package controllers; @Singleton public class AppController { @Timed public Result index() { return Results.html(); } }
If you want to instrument your NinjaCache, Ninja-Metrics supports instrumenting both the EhCache and the Memcached implementations.
In your application.conf
file specify:
cache.implementation = ninja.metrics.InstrumentedEhCache
cache.implementation = ninja.metrics.InstrumentedMemcached
You may optionally enable JVM-level details reporting by setting metrics.jvm.enabled=true in your application.conf
metrics.jvm.enabled = true
You may optionally enable reporting of Logback log-level counts by setting metrics.logback.enabled=true in your application.conf
metrics.logback.enabled = true
If you want to expose your metrics to VisualVM, JConsole, or JMX you must enable the MBeans reporter in your application.conf
metrics.mbeans.enabled = true
You can view the collected metrics using VisualVM (with the MBeans plugin installed) or using JConsole.
Ninja Metrics supports reporting to Graphite.
Add the following dependency to your application pom.xml
Bind the Graphite integration in your
@Singleton public class Module extends AbstractModule { @Override protected void configure() { bind(NinjaGraphite.class); } }
Add the following settings to your application.conf
metrics.graphite.enabled = true
metrics.graphite.address =
metrics.graphite.port = 2003
metrics.graphite.pickled = false
metrics.graphite.period = 60s
By default all metrics will be prefixed with the hostname. To specify a custom prefix add the following setting.
metrics.graphite.prefix = my.custom.prefix
Ninja Metrics supports reporting to Ganglia.
Add the following dependency to your application pom.xml
Bind the Ganglia integration in your
@Singleton public class Module extends AbstractModule { @Override protected void configure() { bind(NinjaGanglia.class); } }
Add the following settings to your application.conf
metrics.ganglia.enabled = true
metrics.ganglia.address =
metrics.ganglia.port = 8649
metrics.ganglia.period = 60s
Ninja Metrics supports reporting to InfluxDB.
Add the following dependency to your application pom.xml
Bind the InfluxDB integration in your
@Singleton public class Module extends AbstractModule { @Override protected void configure() { bind(NinjaInfluxDB.class); } }
Add the following settings to your application.conf
metrics.influxdb.enabled = true
metrics.influxdb.address = localhost
metrics.influxdb.port = 8086
metrics.influxdb.database = mydb
metrics.influxdb.username = root
metrics.influxdb.password = root
metrics.influxdb.period = 60s
Librato is a cloud-based metrics database and dashboard service.
Add the following dependency to your application pom.xml
Bind the Librato integration in your
@Singleton public class Module extends AbstractModule { @Override protected void configure() { bind(NinjaLibrato.class); } }
Add the following settings to your application.conf
metrics.librato.enabled = true
metrics.librato.username = [email protected]
metrics.librato.apikey = 12345cafebabe
metrics.librato.period = 60s