Someone has to be in charge of integrating pull requests. Reviewing code. Cutting new releases. And driving the platform as a whole.
That leadership role is currently performed by:
The team of FinalFrontierLabs and Raphael as lead architect.
The team of Fizzed, Inc. and Joe Lauer as lead architect.
Ninja is proudly sponsored by Greenback
More engineering. Less paperwork. Expenses made simple.
If you want to take over a more official role in the Ninja platform don't hesitate to contact us! The framework offers excellent opportunities to collaborate with nice people and drive an extraordinary project.
Ninja is standing on the shoulder of giants. We are using an immense amount of libraries and ideas from open source projects. Especially ideas from Rails, Play 1 and Play 2 and also libraries from Apache, Google, Sun/Oracle and many others.
This is the time to say Thank you. We hope we can contribute a bit back to the world.
Over the time a lot of awesome people have contributed to Ninja. In some random order:
Ninja is open source and driven by enthusiasts. We love what we do and we have a long term goal: Ensuring that Ninja is the best web framework written in Java.
Community contributions are at the core of the Ninja framework. These contributions are not only new features, but also documentation and bug reports. Every bit is a step forward ensuring our success.
We have a really good track record of integrating community pull requests. Looking forward seeing you on the mailing list. Let's talk about your ideas