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Flash scope


The flash scope is designed to transport success and error messages between stateless web applications. Flash messages can either live for the current request or both the current and next request (then deleted afterwards).

The flash scope is similar to a Session. Like a session the flash scope is implemented as client side cookie. But the flash scope is not signed.

Setting success message

public Result flashSuccess(FlashScope flashScope) {


    return Results.html();


You can then display the flash message in your view like that:

<h2>This page displays a flash cookie.</h2>
<#if flash.success??>
        Success cookie: <p class="success">${flash.success}</p>

if flash.success?? will allow you to skip the if block when the flash.success message is not set. Therefore it will not be displayed to your user. Usually you want to use those messages when errors and success messages from one page (hence controller method) to a another.

Please refer to the “HTML templating” section for more information regarding flash scope and HTML templates.

Setting error message

public Result flashError(FlashScope flashScope) {


    return Results.html();


FlashScope for only current request

If you are simply using the FlashScope to display a message for the current request, its safer to use as opposed to flash.put(), flash.error(), or flash.success(). This makes your flash data only available to the current request and avoids writing it out as a client side cookie. This helps avoid unexpected flash messages in the browser on the next request when you didn't intend them to show up.

FlashScope and i18n

If you are using the default HTML rendering engine Freemarker you should use keys for your flash message. Freemarker will automatically translate your key into the correct message of the language your user is requesting.

If your message contains placeholders you have to prepare the messages inside your controller:

public Result flashSuccess(FlashScope flashScope, Context context) {

    Result result = Results.html();

    Optional<String> flashMessage = messages.get("flashSuccess", context, Optional.of(result), "PLACEHOLDER");
    if (flashMessage.isPresent()) {

    return result;
